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Snoring Treatment


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Snoring occurs due to narrowing of the airways during sleep. Aggravation of snoring and blockage of airways are called "sleep apnea". As a result of sleep apnea, airflow in the respiratory system and the blood level of oxygen decrease and carbon dioxide builds up in the bloodstream.

The factors that cause snoring and sleep apnea:

- Overweight and obesity,

- Stress,

- Use of sedatives and muscle relaxants,

- Genetic predisposition,

- Excessive tobacco and alcohol consumption,

- Airway obstructing formations (adenoids etc.).

The effects of snoring and sleep apnea:

- Day time sleepiness,

- Irritability,

- Attention deficit disorder,

- Decrease in libido,

- Irregularity in breathing and cessation of breathing during sleep,

- Heartburn and nausea,

- Edema increase in the body,

- Difficulty in waking up in the morning,

- Hypertension, heart diseases and increased risk of stroke.

Treatment methods of snoring and sleep apnea: Surgery, CPAP mask (Continuous positive airway pressure) and dental plates for snoring. Dental plate is easy to use, does not require surgical intervention and costs less than other treatment methods.

With the help of dental plates for snoring, lower jaw is positioned slightly forward. In this way, blockage of airways by tongue is prevented and tissue tension of respiratory tract is regained. Dental plates for snoring are only used during sleep and their effects start after several weeks.


Keywords: snoring, apnea, sleep, stress, obesity, snoring plate, CPAP